The Government of NWFP awarded the project to GAF, A German Consultant. GAF sub-letted the digital mapping assignment to ECIL for NWFP Forest Resources. The salient features of the digitizing work of the project are as follows:
Digital Mapping of NWFP project area, the whole NWFP Province
The assignment includes preparing seen less map at the scale 1:50,000 from satellite imageries, metalled & unmetalled roads, settlement points, ground control points (GCP), rivers, lakes, dams and all administrative boundaries like international boundary, provincial boundaries, division, district and subdivision boundaries and making a seamless mosaic of all Vectorized maps from satellite imageries.
Conversion of all digital maps in Arc/Info EØØ format extracting coverages.
ECIL provided the following services to the client:
Extraction of vector coverages from satellite data at a capture scale of 1:50,000
Production of seamless mosaic of all digitized maps
Conversion of all digitized maps into ArcInfo EØØ format